The Power of Self Care: Advice from Real Women

Posted on March 13 2019

The Power of Self Care: Advice from Real Women

No time to slow down? All too often, we're so focused on the needs of others that we forget to take care of ourselves or worse...we wait until we're knocked down by illness to take our health seriously. While balancing our busy schedules, it's easy to lose sight of the importance of self-care and what it means to maintain our overall health -- mentally, physically and emotionally. Today on Zeena Uncovered, we asked real women to share their tips on how they incorporate practical self-care habits into their daily routine. 

The Power of Self Care | Zeena Uncovered

While self-care may have different definitions to everyone, it doesn't have to involve fancy machinery or $200 mushroom smoothies either! The truth of the matter is, when you take the time to rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit, you awaken the best version of yourself. You become the person you always knew you could be and start living life with a spring in your step. Regular self-care not only reduces stress and anxiety, but allows you to reconnect with your innermost thoughts and nourish your self-esteem with positive messages of kindness.

We talked to women from all walks of life -- college students, lawyers, teachers, parents, an event planner, health care professionals and the team here at Zeena, asking one simple question: "If you could give yourself one piece of self-care advice, what would it be?" Here's what they had to say:


Advice for the Body

"Always look at life with a positive attitude and have realistic expectations. My routine is focused on taking care of myself so that I remain motivated to work and take care of my family to the best of my ability. Eating right is also really important to me. I recently hired a personal trainer to put some fire under my seat. No excuses for not exercising anymore! After a long day, I like to light a candle to relax, run a hot bath or give myself a facial." -- Zeena CEO, Bayan Jondy

"I would say, try to cleanse your body of all impurities like refined sugars and bad cholesterol before starting a new diet. Drink more water and put vegetables in everything! Choose the stairs instead of the elevator. Get at least six hours of sleep per night and don't forget your vitamins." -- Rabiah A., D.C. attorney

"I only have 40 minutes every morning, so I would tell myself to set time aside at night too. In the evenings, take a long shower, deep condition your hair, plan your meals in advance and stick to the plan. When I eat healthy...everything is better. My brain works better and my workouts are better. Zumba keeps me fit and talking to the other ladies after class really boosts my self-esteem." -- Ameera J., UMD student and volunteer at MedStar Medical Center E.R.

"My self-care advice is the gym. Just sweat it out and leave it all behind." -- Inam W., student UMD

The Power of Self-Care | Zeena Uncovered


Advice for the Mind 

"Be gentle with yourself. Learn how to do what you can. Don't be hard on yourself when you can't get everything done." -- J.R., Women's Karate Instructor

"Daily prayer is my meditation time, but sitting down and breathing deeply also helps me de-stress. When chores pile up and things get a bit too hectic, I'll make it fun by putting on music while folding the laundry. If I'm cooking, I'll set up the iPad and watch a Bollywood movie so the experience can be more enjoyable." -- A.R. middle school teacher

"Sometimes I detox from screens -- I don't really watch TV and I've deleted all of my social media. I listen to stories now, podcasts and audiobooks. It's like taking a personal retreat." -- C.B., Coffee Republic

"Keep a gratitude journal. Seeing my words on paper helps me slow down, clarify my thoughts and make sense of the daily ups and downs. It's also a chance to sit quietly with a cup of coffee, a great playlist, and just let the ideas flow." -- Jamillah A., Zeena Marketing Assistant

The Dua Journal


Advice for the Soul 

"Be your own best friend. Self-care isn't just about shopping sprees and splurging on manicures (although that helps!) -- it's more about finding a way to feel great about who you are every single day. Love yourself. And remember to take the time to vent to a good friend every once in a while." -- Naeema W., Ardor Events

“My idea of self-care is spending time with myself. Making a cup of coffee and reading a good book, playing some music, taking a long shower or even sitting in the café with my journal for a brainstorming session. Don’t be afraid to spend time alone. When I’m alone, I work through things better and contemplate tough decisions. Over time, I’ve become more confident and quick on my feet. I’ve learned to trust myself completely.” -- Zeena COO, Amany Jondy

There's no time like the present to take better care of yourself. Here are some simple tips to help you get started:

    1. Give yourself a foot rub.
    2. Go to bed early.
    3. Take a power nap.
    4. Treat yourself to a massage.
    5. Avoid screen-time one hour before bed.
    6. Create an at-home hot spring -- Mix lavender or eucalyptus essential oils with Epsom salts and 1/2 cup of baking soda into your bath.
    7. Don't be afraid to say 'No'.
    8. Give yourself a bathroom mirror pep talk each the morning.
    9. Do one thing (or more) each day that makes you happy.
    10. Savor the little things.

How do you incorporate self-care into your daily routine? Share your stories in the comments below.



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  • R.R.: March 18, 2019

    What a great blog!! Those are some great tips for self care. Really like the different thoughts from everyone on how they think of self care.

  • The Zeena Team: March 15, 2019

    Thank you @J.J. and @Anne! Taking care of yourself gives you the power to help others in a more meaningful way. :)

  • J.J.: March 13, 2019

    What a great article 💕☺️💕
    Definitely no $200 mushroom smoothies! 😂

  • Anne: March 13, 2019

    I love this!!!

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